The Grey Speed Camera

Common Sense and the Grey Speed Camera

The astonishing rises in speeding fines and endorsements over the last few years, may start to slow, given the decision in late 2015 to end the “invisible” grey speed cameras.

This doesn’t actually mean that they will be going, but will in fact be painted yellow.

The rise of semi-hidden cameras on motorways and major highways has been a particularly contentious area for motorists, who have been feeling increasingly aggrieved about them.

Speed cameras on urban and rural roads are a recognisable, if not endearing, shade of yellow, whereas an increasing majority of those on major highways are often a battleship grey, and obscured from direct view by being positioned behind overhead gantries.

This has led many penalised motorists to feel as though they have been conned.

The smart motorway, with its ability to turn on variable speed limits, and backed by these cameras have induced a feeling amongst drivers, of being conned, particularly as police forces have increased the opportunity for “snapped” motorists to attend speed awareness courses, with a proportion of the fee, going directly into police funds, rather than a fine, which is payed to the Treasury.

In 2014 over 1 million drivers were sent on the awareness courses, and Police forces taking over £50 million pounds.

Making for a level field by making all cameras yellow and more clearly displayed gives motorists the confidence that they are not being unfairly punished.

There is a considerable growth of motorway speed enforcement with the expansion of “smart motorways” which can apply variable speed limits, easing traffic flow, and with yellow, visible cameras, the message to drivers is it is all generated for their safety, rather than for generating fine money.

Bringing higher visibility to cameras is a common sense move in making journeys safer, stopping erratic and dangerous braking, and maintaining a level of trust and clarity.

If you’ve received a notice of intended prosecution (nip) because you’ve been flashed by a speed camera, ask experts Patterson Law NIP Checker how best to defend your driving licence. It’s often possible to reduce your penalty or punishment, limiting the points you receive, the fine you have to pay as well as mitigating any potential driving ban.